Friday, June 18, 2010

Down but not out in Paris

It's been a bit of a stressful few days here in Île-de-France. Between looking for both digs and gigs, I haven't had much time to take it all in.

My wonderful copine - and Eternal Intern - Ophelia helped me take my mind off it all by booking me a cooking class at L'atelier des Chefs. If you're in a city with one of these, I highly recommend checking it out. If you're in Toronto, try Bonnie Stern. On the West coast? The London Chef.

I was the only one in the class with restaurant experience and I still had a blast. Classes are great for folks who love to cook but may not have the technique know-how to properly execute recipes they come across. Plus they're just fun. Nothing too fancy, the class I took stressed simple, tried and true cooking methods while working with easy to find ingredients.

In an hour, we made (and of course, ate) a really quick and easy filet mignon de porc à la sauge, purée de carottes beurre noisette , and a delicious tiramisu aux griottes et zestes d'orange.

Tiramisu with cherries and orange zest

I'm really looking forward to getting back into a kitchen. It'll also be great to have access to all sorts of ingredients I can use to develop some top secret GG products in the coming months! All very hush hush stuff.

Anyway, time to get back out there with the CVs!



  1. And did he share a single bite of that filet mignon de porc à la sauge, purée de carottes beurre noisette with me? Mais non!



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