Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GG open for business!

I'm stoked to announce that while in Toronto no less, my first order came in for a food basket full of GG approved goods. The customer is an avid snacker, so clearly I related to them and knew where to go. I know you all must be dying to know what was in it!

Without giving away too many trade secrets, I included some of my favorites that Toronto has to offer. There may have been a couple things from the Westside Market as well, but that doesn't count.

Among the things in it were some of the best French macarons available on this side of the Atlantic, stellar crab dip, a selection of artisan cheeses and meats (including a bright green colored basil garlic gouda), and lots of crunchy things!




  1. Thanks girls! You know a well placed basket just might help get you the paid gig haha!

  2. omg this is crazy GG!!!! i didn't know u were doing this!! can you order transatlantic???
    flora xoxo

  3. Thanks Flora! Yes! I'll also be back in Paris in 2 months!



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